TB (Tuberculosis) is the infectious disease and enhance the infertility issues in couples.
TB can induce infertility, but normally it does not show any kind of symptoms until the infection has advanced to a severe level and can affect infertility in women as well as in men. In the woman it causes tuberculosis and damage to the endometrium and fallopian tubes whereas in the man it causes tuberculosis of epididymal-orchitis, resulting in inhibiting sperm to get into the semen.
TB only cause infertility when it infects the genital tract, which is difficult to diagnose and called as genital TB. It affects the fertility of a person by deforming the anatomy of the reproductive tract. Genital TB is responsible for infertility in 5-10% of women.
TB is easily treated by antitubercular therapy using drugs like isoniazid, rifampicin.