Success Rate
Depending upon indication of IUI, the age of the patient and semen report success varies from 6-28% in various centers and different studies.
Problems related to the procedure of IUI,
- Though IUI is a very simple and safe procedure certain problems may arise in some patients like trauma to the cervix
- Difficulty in going through cervix if it is stenosed
- Infection-though very rare if all aseptic precautions are taken
- But infective organism may travel from vagina to womb
- Cramps or pain
- Retrograde low-due to loose cervix or wrong position of the cannula
- Anaphylaxis-albumin present in media or sperm protein may cause a reaction in certain women
Fortunately, all complications of IUI are very rare and can be managed easily.
How many cycles?
Normally not more than 3-6 cycles of IUI are done and if this does not result in pregnancy patient should go for IVF / ICSI as required.