Repeated Implantation Failures

Repeated Implantation Failures

Regrettably, some couples suffer from repeated failures of IVF cycles, either not achieving a positive result or early pregnancy failing to progress. The investigations for this are

Maternal Blood Tests

  • Clotting (thrombophilia) screen – small clots in the blood have been identified as a possible cause of a pregnancy to fail to progress
  • Immune screen – increased levels of natural killer cells (white blood cells) and autoantibodies (antibodies attacking specific organs) have also been suggested as a cause for the repeated failure of cycles.
  • 3D ultrasound
  •  Hysteroscopy/endometrial scratch
  • Endometrial Receptivity Array
  • Sperm DNA fragmentation
  • CGH (comparative genomic hybridization)
  • Embryoscope.

Endometrial Tests

Paternal Factors

Embryonic Factors

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