Health and Integral Prevention of Women

Dr Sumita Prabhakar
Dr. Sumita Prabhakar felicitated by Uttarakhand CM Shri Trivendra Singh Rawat
June 15, 2018
Dr Sumita Prabhakar conferred with Medico-Social Activist Award by IMA Uttaracon 2018
December 17, 2018

Health and Integral Prevention of Women

Contraception: are those methods that significantly reduce the chances of pregnancy. Family planning and sex education favor the use of these methods. The professionals in our practice will be able to advise you on the best contraceptive method for you.

Cervical Pathology: in your gynecological review cervix cytology is performed, which will allow us to diagnose and detect pre-oncogenic lesions (cancer of the cervix or cervix) and the Human Papilloma Virus and thus put into action the necessary protocols.

Cytology: it consists of the collection of material from the area of the cervix to be placed in a glass and analyzed with a microscope. It is necessary to make one when the patient begins to have sexual relations.

Colposcopy: is a visual examination of the cervix, vagina, or vulva. It is recommended in women who have an abnormal pap smear. The cervix is stained with a liquid and visualized if there is a lesion or not. In cases where colposcopy reflects the presence of a mosaic or leukoplakia, a biopsy will be performed.

HPV typing: HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) is a virus that is transmitted through sexual contact and that affects the mucosa of the genital area both male and female. There are two types, which installs on the skin and commonly produces warts and those that settle on the mucous membranes of the lower genital tract and produce viral condylomata and/or cervix lesions.

Cervical biopsy: is a procedure that is performed to remove tissue from the cervix in order to detect abnormal or pre-oncogenic conditions as well as possible cervical cancer.

Menopause: Menopause is a stage in a woman’s life where a series of changes that can affect their quality of life occur. To define menopause, one year without menstruation should pass since the last period. These changes that are produced by the decrease of estrogen such as hot flashes, sweating, insomnia, irritability, mood swings, vaginal dryness can be treated.

Gynecological ultrasound: it is an exploration that allows visualizing the female internal genitalia. It can be done vaginally and abdominally. Menstruation is not a contraindicated condition to carry it out.

Eco Doppler : is an application of diagnostic ultrasound to detect blood cells moving inside the vessels and measure the direction and speed of it. It is useful when dealing with the treatment of venous diseases since it also allows them to see their functioning.

Pelvic floor and urinary incontinence: the set of muscles and tendons that close the abdominal cavity and keep the bladder of the urine in its normal position, the uterus (or womb) and the rectum can suffer alterations due to births, surgeries, etc. The problems that this can present are urinary incontinence, vaginal prolapses, sexual dysfunctions, among others. Together with our professionals, you can find a solution. Urinary incontinence is the loss of control of urine. Symptoms can vary from a slight leak of urine to the abundant and uncontrollable output of it. It can happen to anyone, but it is more common with advancing age.

Breast: breast cancer is the most frequent in women, so for us prevention, detection, and early treatment are essential. There are different types of breast tumors, but all have in common that they form a nodule that can be diagnosed before it spreads out of the breast.

Hysteroscopy: as its name implies it is to observe the uterus inside. This procedure can be performed for the purpose of diagnosis or treatment of intrauterine pathologies and as a method of surgical intervention. One of the most frequent reasons to request it is the diagnosis and treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding that can often be due to endometrial polyps, myomas, etc.

Laparoscopy: it is an endoscopy technique that allows to introduce a camera through the abdomen and observe images of the interior. It is considered a minimal invasive surgery system that in gynecology is extremely useful because of the ease with which the female genitalia can be seen. Our professionals use this technique for surgical procedures such as removing cysts, myomas, tumors, uterus, tubal ligatures, etc.

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