Egg Pickup

Egg Pickup

Once the follicles are mature with the size of more than 17-18 mm final injection of HCG is given.34-35 hrs after that ovum pickup is planned.This is done under short anesthesia hence patient does not feel any pain.You will be called fasting and a intravenous cannula will be put in the vein to give some injections.

Egg pick up is done transvaginally the same way as all your follicular monitoring ultrasounds.It is a short procedure of 15-20 min.A very thin needle is put into the follicle in the ovary and egg is sucked with its fluid in the test tube, It is then given to the embryologist to fertilize it with your husband’s semen either by IVF or ICSI technique.

1-2 hrs after egg pick up you can eat light food and go home.Some amount of vaginal bleeding may occur.

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